MCU vs MPU: Which one should you choose

January 23, 2022

MCU vs MPU: Which one should you choose

As technology advances, the need for more processing power and advanced features in electronic devices is increasing. This has led to the development of microcontrollers (MCUs) and microprocessors (MPUs). These devices are widely used in electronic products, from simple toys and gadgets to complex systems like mobile phones and autonomous cars.

But what is the difference between MCU and MPU, and which one should you choose for your project? Let's explore their features and compare them in this blog post.

What is a Microcontroller (MCU)?

A microcontroller (MCU) is a small computer unit integrated into a single chip. It typically consists of a processor, memory, and input/output (I/O) peripherals like timers, analog-to-digital converters (ADCs), and communication interfaces (UART, SPI, I2C).

MCUs are commonly used in embedded systems to control and monitor their functions, such as in industrial machinery, automotive electronics, and home appliances. MCUs are great for low-power and real-time applications that require precise control and immediate response.

What is a Microprocessor (MPU)?

A microprocessor (MPU) is a general-purpose computer chip that handles data processing, storage, and communication. It has processing cores, caches, memory and I/O interfaces which are used to control and execute various computational tasks. MPUs are used in a vast range of products, from desktop computers and laptops to mobile phones and servers.

MPUs are great for high-performance applications that require complex algorithms, graphics, and multitasking. MPUs are not designed for real-time operations but can execute complex instructions and data processing easier and quicker than MCUs.

Comparison between MCUs and MPUs

Let's compare the differences between MCUs and MPUs in the following categories:

Processing Power

MPUs have more processing power than MCUs, thanks to their complex architecture and multiple cores. They can handle complex algorithms and execute multiple tasks simultaneously. MCUs have a simpler architecture and only one core, which makes them slower in processing large data and complex functions.

Power Consumption

MCUs are designed for low-power applications and consume less energy than MPUs. They have a lower clock speed and fewer components, which reduces their power consumption. MPUs require more energy to operate, and their high clock speed and multiple cores increase their power consumption.

Real-time Operation

MCUs are designed for real-time applications and can execute tasks immediately with minimum latency. MPUs are not designed for real-time operations, and their multitasking and complex architecture may cause delays in processing tasks.


MCUs are lower in cost than MPUs due to their simpler design, fewer components, and lower processing power. MPUs are more expensive due to their complex architecture, advanced features and high processing power.

Which one should you choose?

Choosing between MCU and MPU depends on the requirements of your project. If you need low-power consumption, real-time processing, and precise control, use a microcontroller. If your application requires complex algorithms, high performance, and multimedia capabilities, use a microprocessor.

In summary, MCUs are great for small and simple devices that require low-power operation and real-time processing. MPUs are great for devices that require high processing power, advanced features, and multimedia capabilities.


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